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"Haier HWM 120-35FF Price in Pakistan, Specifications, Features"

Haier HWM 120-35FF

The latest Haier HWM 120-35FF price in Pakistan is 12,499 - PKR which was recently updated on May 2024.

Haier Washing Machine (5 more items)

The strong rotation of the in-depth basin solid pulsator can make the water flow rise speedly to hold clothes. This can why the direct abrasion between clothes and pulsator so that he abrasion can be reduced.


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Shower Rinse


Water comes into the drum in the form of a shower. This

rinse action removes foam from the laundry in a

better way








Powerful Motor


Highly efficient motor ensures powerful rotation of clothes.

Strong motor promises ensure high durability and efficiency

to take heavy load



Anti Bacterial Wash

In any normal wahser, mildew establishes on gasket after

sometime. With Haier's AMT gasket, your clothes

remain Germ Free as there is no mildew




Specifications for Haier HWM 120-35FF

Here is the specifications for Haier HWM 120-35FF.
General Specs
 Price 12,499 - PKR Price in Pakistani Rupees
Disclaimer : Our team entered specs from diffrent resources and not responsible for any typo error in specs, please report any such error in bug report panel for Haier HWM 120-35FF.


Compare Haier HWM 120-35FF with other models.
Haier HWM 120-35FF Rs. 12499.00

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What is the Price of Haier HWM 120-35FF in Pakistan?

The latest price for Haier HWM 120-35FF in Pakistan is 12,499 - PKR - PKR (Updated May 2024). These days rate for Haier HWM 120-35FF changes on daily basis due to fluctuations in the dollar rate.

Disclaimer : Haier HWM 120-35FF price in Pakistan is updated on daily basis. Price depends on many factors thats include the price of dollors, manufacturar price and import cost and duties etc.